How to Make Writing a Sales Letter Easy
If you script out your copy as a conversation, you have an almost effortless sales letter. If you’re having a conversation with a friend, sharing a solution you’ve found, you’re speaking a sales letter.
Whatever You Do, Say Something in Your Marketing!Did you know that there’s one major reason that freezes business people and entrepreneurs? It’s the simple lack of momentum and inactivity. And when it comes to spreading the word about their product or service, most stare blankly, fixated on why things are not happening rather than making things happen. Here us why you should make things happen!
Grounded in Analytics, Explosive in Creativity: Use of Information and DataCustomer database is knowledge; it is a collection of all kinds of information, activities, patterns, preferences, search visits and much more. Knowledge is power and so is all this mix of information gathered in closed loop marketing systems. Collecting, analyzing, and leveraging the right information from multiple channels about your customers and using this information to create targeted content for groups of customers helps to develop or adjust a marketing strategy and its internet programs.
Content Marketing Ideas That Do Not Involve a BlogThere are many ways to market content and build links for your website without having a blog. Several of these marketing strategies, when effectively executed can become a successful method for building your brand and your business.
Ideal Content Length Best PracticesDid you know that longer content converts more prospects into customers than does shorter content? It’s true, longer content really works! There are three main reasons why longer content works and converts more readers into customers.