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From Google Checkout to Google Wallet

Google Checkout has discontinued its services and moved the existing users to “Google Wallet” and directing the physical goods merchant users with some discount offers to adopt other payment services like Braintree, Freshbooks and Shopify. Google Checkout is an online payment processing service where you can store details of your debit and credit cards, purchasing, shipping, etc.

Information Is Essential To Website Success

Information is at the heart of the Internet, of course. However, research suggests that commercial websites that focus on information, instead of just sales, tend to do much better.

Why Online Business Directories Are Better Than Offline Business Directories

For years, company owners have used offline directories such as the Yellow Pages to reach their clients. However, the internet has revolutionized how entrepreneurs do everything, including how they market their goods and services. Online business directories have a lot of advantages that traditional paper listings do not have. These benefits are the reasons why more and more entrepreneurs have opted to list their companies in internet directories.

Why Autopilot Webinars Will Transform Your Business

Setting up an automated webinar for your web events might be one of the best moves you make as far as your business is concerned. Surprisingly, this new technology is very simple to implement, yet most people are still intimidated by how it works. Making the transition now will give you a competitive edge, and here are just some of the reasons why.

Top 12 Places to Market in 2014

Although there are many places to get traffic on the internet, some sites will give you a lot more traffic if you know where to go. These top sites offer you multiple ways to market your business online, and best of all the traffic is free.

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