How to Start an Online Business the RIGHT Way in 2022!

The Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has evolved in a way that no one could have anticipated a mere few years back. As such, there are no real rules to follow in digital marketing.

Mobile Marketing 2016

Mobile marketing is a promotional activity designed for delivery to cell phones, smart phones and other handheld devices, usually as a component of a multi-channel campaign. Some mobile marketing is similar to advertising delivered over other electronic channels such as text, graphic and voice messages. Any marketer, or marketing firm worth their weight in invoices knows that the key to future success is adapting to and optimizing for the mobile market.

Essentials of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is not a new concept. It is as old as the beginning of the online business world. It has the power to bring big success for the entrepreneurs.

How Psychology Influences Users’ Choices in the Marketing World

If you are a marketer, one of your major responsibilities is to understand the human psychology behind the choices they make. Have you ever evaluated the factors that drive your own choices? For example, what made you purchase that shampoo while there were many others on the same rack? Why did you buy the car that offers more safety features? Answers to such questions will give you insight into why and how your target customers make their choices. Remember, no matter how effective your content marketing campaign is, if it doesn’t resonate with the psychology of the choices of prospects then your campaign will have no appeal to them resulting in less sales.

How Can You Persuade Your Readers to Take Action?

Your first thought whenever you write an email, blog post, or article for a website, should be “How can I persuade my readers to take action?” It’s easier said than done. But, learning how to get their attention, and having them follow through with an action, can be done if you follow these simple tips.

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