Word of Mouth Marketing – A Neglected Online Marketing Partner
Word of mouth marketing has been around long before the dawn of modern electronic communications, and long before the Internet. It is therefore amazing to see that up till today, the two concepts are being seen as mutually exclusive and not complementary to each other.
How To Make Money Online – Starting TodayYou will find a lot of people today, who say making money online is terribly hard to do, say so only because they are ignorant. Lots of people can make the simplest task seem like brain surgery, and that is certainly the case with online marketing as well. We are not so concerned about the various reasons for such a high failure rate, but it is really very similar to offline businesses.
Facebook Page Posts 01 – IntentBefore you slap a post up on your business’ Facebook page, you should have a reason for doing it. By that, I mean: you should have an intent you want to accomplish with the post.
Facebook Page Posts 02 – SchedulingOne of the best things you can do to help develop a relationship with your target audience is to be consistent. In this case, you should make your posts come out at regular intervals. It might be once a day, a couple times a week, once every two or three weeks, or even longer.
Is Your Content Boring?All online writers and marketers talk about content being king on the internet. But the truth is, interesting content is king.