Three Things The Experts Got Wrong On Lead Generation
When it comes to lead generation, there are certain concepts that we’ve come to take for granted since they were passed down to us from some wise and mysterious “experts” that blog on internet marketing sites. Of course, that should immediately beg the questions of who are these experts and what’s to say that they aren’t feeding us bad information to worsen their completion?
7 Reasons Why Your Prospects May NOT Be Reading Your Marketing MessagesEveryone is busy! Even in a world of sophisticated supposedly “time saving” gadgets… it seems everyone has run out of what may be the most precious asset-time. Your prospects are not exception, you can bet that with the time they do have… they aren’t necessarily using it to take in all of the marketing messages they get bombarded with daily.
How to Find a Mentor for Your Internet Marketing BusinessRunning an internet marketing business is much like running any other business except that it is usually less tangible – there are often no premises or other physical manifestation of the business beyond what appears on screen – and it can often involve very little in the way of real (face to face) human contact. This sense of isolation means that finding a mentor to help you progress is one of the vital ingredients to moving your business forward.
Starting a Business After 50? It’s More Common Than You’d Think!Starting a business after 50 is becoming more common because, as we live longer, the ages between 50 and 80 is a time for discovering our inner passion and perusing our dreams on our own terms. Here are a few examples of people who have been successful at starting a business after 50…
Where to Start Internet MarketingThe question of where to start with your internet marketing usually applies to beginners but can also affect seasoned internet marketers when they want to branch out into a new area. Markets change over time and if you’ve been away from a market you used to make money from for even just a year or two it can seem as though the whole world has changed.