Grow Your Online Business by Improving the Conversion Rate of Your Website
Many brands today employ various digital marketing tactics that help in getting additional traffic to the website. While getting additional traffic to the website is a good goal to have, to generate brand awareness and increase conversions, businesses would benefit greatly from increasing the conversion rate on their website. As they can then immediately start taking advantage of the traffic that is already coming to their site.
Lose Your Mind (in a Manifesto) Part 2Last week my bold claim was that in order to get to clarity on your message, mantra, or answer to “what do you do” question, or even make a big decision, you had to lose your mind. One fun way to do this is to write your manifesto. If you involuntarily rolled your eyes thinking manifestos are dead, think again.
An End-To-End Content Marketing Guide For All Business VerticalsFor simple day-to-day understanding, content marketing is a form of marketing that essentially revolves around the creation and circulation of online content. Content marketing can be in the form of blogs or social media content, but it need not always be text it can also be videos.
Google Tools For Enhancing Digital Marketing in 2018Everyone is testing out the latest and most effective tools from the world’s most gigantic Internet powerhouse. So it is advised to give a few of these seemingly under- recognized tools or products a try for better results.
5 Digital Marketing Mistakes You Commit, You RepentTrust me; the digital marketing mistakes I am listing below would cost you a lot of money if committed once or worse… repeatedly! Every digital marketer, no matter how amateur or seasoned, knows about the right things to do in digital marketing.