The Power of Virtual Focus Groups
A lot goes into market research as a business develops its online marketing strategy. Much of it is theoretical – just general, statistical research into averages and what website users are looking for. Eventually, though, that website is going to be tested in real time with real users.
Audio: The Forgotten Child of Content MarketingContent marketing is one of the Internet’s new buzz words, but it has been around since at least 1895 when John Deer first published The Furrow. Hand in hand with it goes another new buzzword, curation, which is an even older concept. Websites used to have a collection of different content, now they curate it. Such sites have articles and they have videos. Not many have audio, the forgotten child of content marketing.
How to Inject Authority, Energy and Life Into Your AdvertisingWhen it comes to writing ad and sales copy you need to inject authority, energy and life into it. How can you write with authority? How can inject energy and life into your ad and sales copy? This article will explore the topic.
7 Reasons Why Business Opportunities From Home Don’t SucceedOne of the most popular work from home online business models is affiliate marketing. But if it is so popular, why do so many people get it wrong?
Best Online Promotion Strategies in 2014For the business owners, it is crucial to look for the best online promotion strategies in 2014 for the sake of staying ahead of their competitors in the market. We are living in the world, which is powered by the internet and it is highly recommended to keep pace with the information technology. The business world is not untouched with this technology as the business owners keep finding the best online promotion strategies to gain customers’ attention via online resources.