Best Passive Income Idea to Start With NO EXPERIENCE (in 2023)

Go Against the Grain of Brain Drain: Keeping Digital Marketing Human

I was struck by an article sent to me recently, in which Google admits the human brain’s ingenuity still beats the company’s algorithms in developing effective personalized solutions to certain challenges. This got me thinking: although we are nearing 2014 and technology is advancing at an increasingly rapid pace, and even if there is no doubt that computers are getting better at performing more tasks than anyone could have imagined, the value of human expertise cannot be underestimated.

To Hire a Web Designer or to Not Hire a Web Designer? That Is the Question

This is a good question and sometimes the answer is easy, other times not. It might not be easy to fork over a bunch of money especially when times are tough! For those who are weighing out the options, here are some questions that will help you determine the best solution for your company!

Things To Know About Mobile Marketing

This is for those people looking for tips on how to handle their mobile marketing campaigns. This will cover both texting and email suggestions that are common mistakes made in the industry and ways to make sure you are analyzing your campaigns.

Working Online Just Got Easier!

The evolution of technology has enabled the average user to access millions of businesses with a simple click, and vice versa. Over the past couple of years, the growth of internet marketing has made it one of the most popular techniques in business marketing today, presenting opportunities for both large and small scale businesses alike. Several online businesses are popping up every single day; most of which are run by entrepreneurs who would rather work from home than commit to a full 9-5 job, and rightly so.

5 Internet Marketing Strategies to Promote Your Graphics Design Business

Graphics design a good outsourcing business today. There are many professional graphics designer doing this business online. This business is very much profitable and demandable. The demand and opportunity of this business is increasing day by day. But, some newbie graphics designer cannot do well at the beginning for want of proper knowledge on internet marketing. We are going to discuss on the 5 most important strategies of internet marketing to promote a graphics design business online.

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