Like, Whoopi Do, I Welcome You
Your business web site is trying to bring in new business and all new business is going to be with strangers. Strangers are not interested in you. A big fat welcome to our web site is like pointing a gun to our head, and if our home page starts talking about what interests us, like our business and products, then we may as well pull the trigger and be done with it. To avoid sending your web market away – or shooting yourself – you can start by talking about what your market wants from you, which is the very problem your market has come to solve. People like it when you talk about what interests them, and what interests them is how to solve their problem.
Are Your Internet Marketing Goals Set Too Low?If you read any internet marketing forum, you’ll often see posts from people who are asking how they can make $x a day. And the value for “x” is often low – anywhere between $1 and $5 is normal for those posts. Sometimes it’s as high as $10 but that’s rare.
Does Automatic Blogging Make Sense?On the surface at least, the idea of automating some or all of your blogging activity makes sense. After all, you’ve told the autoblogging software what to look for. It’s a computer and can presumably obey orders.
Call To Action For High a Conversion Rate Website Landing PageThe website landing page is key to getting people to do what you want them to do – sign up to email newsletter, buy your product, support a cause, make a change, sign a petition, register for something, unlock a gift, receive a podcast or newsletter – whatever your call to action is. This page contains the call to action and it is important that each one of your campaigns has one. Your call to action should be compelling and all elements on the page should be geared to highlight this aspect of the page.
Which Works Better for Internet Marketing? Articles or Videos?There always seems to be a battle going on in the internet marketing world where people claim that their method of getting traffic is better than yours. Which is why there are claims from the article marketing camp that articles are far and away the best way to get targeted traffic. And counter claims from the video marketing camp that that’s completely wrong and videos are the way of the future.